Tao Te Ching Ch 42 (Chinese book written 2500 years ago )
Tao gives birth to one
One gives birth to two
Two give birth to three
Three give birth to the tens of thousand things
I will attempt to put into words the general same thought coming from several of the mystic's.This is what I got from them (paraphrased). From the unnameable comes the one which is the absolute (the Father). From the absolute Father comes the vibrational spirit energy (Mother or Holy Spirit). From the two comes the creation and matter (The Son of God). The earliest concept of the Christ Spirit (son of God) is the cosmic Christ, this Spirit is manifested, in matter, in the tens of thousands (billions)of things. A son of man, Jesus embodied this Christ Spirit so well that he took on the identity of the Christ Spirit, he had no personal sense of ego or lower self. He became known as the Christ. He said the Father and I (Christ) are one. He then said that this Christ that is in him can also be in us. The apostle Paul continued to say the same "the Christ in you is the hope of glory" (Col 1:27) The hope of glory means the fulfillment of restoration for us and all creation.
I am finding a renewed interest in the authentic teachings of Jesus. This is my personal thinking on the man Jesus. Jesus was an embodiment of the Christ and that is why he said before Abraham was, I Am. He was taking from the eternal Christ Spirit living within his human body. The eternal Christ lived in the earthly body of Jesus for a time. The Christ is the greatest mystery and this aspect of the divine can live in any human. Christ in you (in us ) is the greatest hope of creation. Many of the worlds Spiritual teachers from many paths are re-focusing once again on Jesus because of his profound teaching on "the kingdom of heaven" being within all human beings. I have spent a lot of time asking what did he mean by "the Kingdom of heaven is within you". He implied it is here, Now . We all have access to it, now, it is within us. If this is true, then that is the greatest "Truth" we could possibly realize in our lifetime. So the question needs further investigation.What is this kingdom of heaven he spoke of, here and Now ?
If we could just grasp the full meaning of, "Christ is all and in all " (Col 3:11), in the very depth of our understanding, we would be in full awareness of the presence of that absolute reality. I believe this presence is around us at all times, we just fail to realize it. We have to realize we are more then the body/mind complex . There is an unfathomable dimension in all of us .We need to just be still enough in our body and mind to know it, and that takes discipline. Most will not take the time to explore this inner world but I believe that is one path, of many , to know what we traditionally call God.
Anyway, all this gives me a new appreciation of Jesus, the Christ, the Father and the Mother (Holy Spirit). It also gives me an appreciation of the Chinese word "Tao", which was known and expressed perhaps a thousand years before Christianity was even thought of, it is the mystery underlying all concepts we could ever imagine on these things.
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