(A painting I did in the early 80's) The hunting Cabin
There is something in us all that wants the quiet space, the serene, the cabin in the woods. I believe it is because we come from a quiet space. My favorite scripture verse is "be still and know, I am, God. (psalm 46:10 ) It's only in the stillness that we realize what "God" is ...the source of life. We are never separate from this source of life , from stillness, the I am presence, but our mind will tell us we are. Humans have edged God out (EGO), thousand of years ago, and that is the cause of our perceived separation.The Ego ( false self ) has set itself up as master over the true Self (Spirit). All spiritual teaching attempt to reverse that and put us on a path to surrender the false self so that the Spirit is once again master. The apostle Paul in the new testament talked about the need to die daily so that the Christ (Spirit) may manifest in us. This theme of the false self needing to diminish so that spirit may be dominant is taught in all great spiritual teachings. "Christ in you the hope of glory" (Col: 1:27) is another favorite verse. This Christ Spirit that was in Jesus can live in us if the mind dominated ego can become the servant rather then the master. When the true master (The Spirit) returns to the throne of our heart the whole being is restored.
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