Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Universal Intelligence

Within nature on our planet there is evidence of  a natural intelligence everywhere we look, it is self-organizing and self-correcting. The whole earth is like one living organism, where all life is interdependent. All forms of life has this same inner intelligence. The embryo knows how to turn into a baby, the acorn knows how to turn into an oak tree. We can't see this power of life but its there in every seed, in every cell and in every ecosystem. 

The following are excerpts from an article written
by Tom Atlee called:

Universal Intelligence.

"The whole universe has an elegant order in the way everything fits and unfolds, it has an inexplicable beauty in its living patterns, and the mysterious depth and expressiveness of it all . It reminds us of the brilliance and beauty we see in  great works of art.

We live in a sea of information, a web of interconnection, a field of what some Buddhists call inter-being — a dynamic state of interactive, resonant existential communion. There are universal patterns, powers and wisdom at the core of our being, and the universe vibrates with our every act and thought. What happens in one place and time is linked to everything else far more intimately than we could ever imagine. Synchronicities and analogs abound. Certain patterns keep cropping up: We see BRANCHES in trees, rivers, roads, fields of study, computer circuitry. We see CYCLES in planets, electrons, food chains, wheels, the flows of water and carbon through the biosphere, and the recycling bin. It is no accident that we use the word VISION to describe perception, imagination, insight and prediction. Patterns like these (branches, cycles, vision, etc.) are alive with useful meaning. At every level, the universe is rich with lessons and resonances as it in-forms itself, intimately co-being and co-evolving, learning and remembering. Intelligence is everywhere. There is information and wisdom here we can tap into. There are flows and textures and energies, resistences and assistances, that we can join and follow, or grow stronger and wiser wrestling with."

Image result for we lie in the lap of immense intelligence

All the great masters have taped into this intelligence. It does not come from the intellect, it is accessed through a deeper intuition.

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