Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Space is not empty

  • The Facts:A study published in Physics Essays shows how matter is created out of the non-material. There is energy in what we call "empty" space and it can also be used to generate energy. The acknowledgement of the non-material is a big step for science.

  • Reflect On:Why has non-material science been shunned by the mainstream community when it has such strong validity? These concepts are now moving out of the theoretical realm, and being confirmed. It opens up metaphysical and spiritual realities as valid.

The search for the “God” particle has been underway for quite some time. Smashing particles together to learn more about the true nature of reality seems to be the only discussion brought up within the mainstream when it comes to discovering the origins of our universe or at least attempting to do so.
There’s one problem, however, and that’s the fact that non-material forces might actually govern the universe, factors associated with consciousness may be a key role in the creation of matter, and this is something that’s been emphasized for decades by numerous scientists who’ve acknowledged these non-material forces. If this is true, looking for a “God” particle is almost useless, because it suggests that our universe has a non-material origin, so looking at physical matter for the answers might not be the best idea, instead, we need to look, examine, and continue to study non-physical phenomena.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade that in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla
For years, science has assumed that empty space is just that, empty space, but this isn’t true, and as John Wheeler, one of the world’s pioneering quantum physicists once emphasized, “No point is more central than this, that space is not empty, it is the seat of the most violent physics.”  Fast forward to today and we now know that energy can be extracted from this “empty” space, that we can tap into this “ether” (Casimir) that’s been referred to as one of the most fundamental aspects regarding the nature of reality for thousands of years.
“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.”– Nikola Tesla, Man’s Greatest Achievement, 1907

 Source (excerpt from an article at collective-evolution today)

Monday, July 9, 2018


Image result for trust in universal intelligence

It was 36 degrees C, with very high humidity. I had walked across the airport tarmac to a small 19 passenger commuter plane that would fly from Sarnia to Toronto. It was so unbearably hot as I sat in my seat . I thought the AC will be turned on soon and it will get cool. I could feel a tension coming from other passengers. I could feel an anxiety arising within the body. The mind wanted to be in control. There was a problem and it needed a solution, my mind was saying. So, there was a choice. Can the mind be trusted?, which always needs to be in control and in this case it would surly lead down a path to high anxiety.  Or, can there be a trust in the universal intelligence that is greater then 'I'?.  Sitting  there, just observing anxious  thoughts and the body's reaction to those thoughts was revealing,  the whole body and mind was tense. The hand kept moving the vent to try and get some air flow. The thoughts were saying the AC is broken , you are going to suffocate.  The plane door closed and what air flow was coming out the little vent stopped completely, as the pilot started the engines.. At this point , the thoughts were trying to get control of the situation. but an amazing thing happened . A trusting of the power that controls all of life began to take place. I began to watch the breathing of the body and the muscles all over the body  began to relax . There was an acceptance of what was , all anxiety disappeared . A trust came over this whole being and I was able to relax in this sense that all is well. I felt as if what I refer to as 'self'  was not just in this body but it was also outside the body. The plane took off and the air was flowing again but it was not working well in the extreme heat. I felt that my being was everywhere, it extended outside the aircraft. I felt a total peace. Life or death  had no meaning anymore. There was just this awesome presence of peace that passes all understanding. The thirty minute flight was over so quickly and we landed in Toronto. This was an experience of trust. It was a choice to not believe thoughts but rather to trust in the  intelligence that is greater then the little 'I 'of a separate self. There is a universal self and we are all it. Trust it and  a newly perceived world opens up. This greater sense of Self is always there but we cannot see  it clearly. When we learn to move beyond the thinking mind  and see life as it is , we realize there is no separate self , everything , everywhere is all one being.