Sunday, May 27, 2018

Become the Observer

Image result for emotion is where the body and mind intersection

  • Blue circle encompasses all senses of self and  it can represents what is sometimes called the true self

In the drawing above the blue area would represent the true self, heart, soul or spirit. It has many names depending on which professional, cultural or spiritual background we are from. Few people truly understands the difference between these terms. Emotion would be where body and mind intersect. The mind-body connection is very complicated, we know that the mind affects the body biochemistry ever nanosecond and it can have a profound effect on overall well being and health. Disease is often caused when the body-mind is not at ease or in a state of dis-ease caused by fear-based emotions like anxiety, guilt, anger, frustration, irritation, or intolerance. Love-based emotions like happiness, joy, peace, pleasure or bliss would have a very positive effect on our biochemistry and mental state and would put us at ease, giving us an improved sense of well being.

Can we learn how to become the observer and perceiver of thought, body and emotions, without them being our total identification? Yes it is possible !, people all over the world do it all the time through meditative or contemplative practice. This is the secret to happiness known for thousands of years. It brings liberation from suffering.When we think that our thoughts, emotions and body are the true self it produces a life full of trouble. Our thoughts are perhaps the most unstable part of being human. This is where the ego,(monkey mind chatter) ,the false self sets up its control center. If we can take back control of our thoughts, diminish this false sense of self, let the mind be servant to the master  true self (heart/spirit/soul) again, then maybe we can get our life back in order.Our thoughts and our emotional/body reaction to them creates most of our mental suffering. This was basically the first teaching of Buddha 2500 years ago. If we observe emotion with that inner perception, the observing self, we can enjoy positive ones like empathy, love and compassion, etc, but, we can also not identify with negative emotions like fear, guilt and anxiety. When we are not identified with fear, guilt and anxiety we can just observe it, when it appears, don't fight it, just look at it as a passing phenomenon, an unwelcomed guest; look at it intently, and it will just fade off like a morning mist and dissipate into nothing. It works for me, try it. This is true liberation....And oh what a relief it is!.

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