Saturday, May 26, 2018
Happiness and Fulfillment
I have learned from many years of searching for what is true, after peeling back the many layers of untruth in my programmed and conditioned mind, that happiness, the sense of completeness and love are not found in some-thing external from who we are, but it is found within, in our very essence of being. When we stop grasping and searching out there, somewhere, for some-thing or some-body to complete us, we will realize eventually, only after all the searching and grasping are done, that we are already whole, and no-thing else is needed.
For many thousands of years, in most cultures around the world, a core perennial teaching has always been there, its this realization that within our being, lies the true essential Self, the one, life essence of all, and only there, can we access the greatest, lasting, treasure of life. The worlds greatest teachers and philosophers down through history have, recognized it and called this same Truth, this mystery, by many different names . What I am referring to here is that higher state of being, the inward way that leads to the fullness of Life, it is the source of love, happiness, freedom, peace, and truth. I hope that we can all seek and find this wholeness or completeness within our own hearts; that we will never believe or demand that it comes from another, or from anywhere or anything else other then that which is the source of all life, and your true essential Self .
Now, I know many among us have become disillusioned, agnostic and perhaps even atheist concerning much of what religion and spirituality in general has to say, including myself, I am still working through the process to find truth in these matters. Perhaps we have thrown out the baby with the bath water. The greatest teachers who have ever lived on this planet, for thousands of years have all said before us, this is not new, that the greatest treasure in life is not what can be found on the outside, out there somewhere, but it is found within, in the deepest part of your being. The greatest teacher of them all, he needs no introduction, he embodied this way, this truth and this life, and he called it "the kingdom of heaven" and he said also, that it was found within you. Wow!, who would have guessed that. What was this Jewish rabbi, Jesus, saying 2000 years ago. Its not found out there somewhere, its within us. So, seek this truth, this treasure found beyond all the illusions and untruths, and I am sure you will find it, and you will find peace, love, joy, happiness, rest and freedom for your soul that lasts forever.
I have found that the safest position to approach the difficult subjects, the deeper ideas in life, including all belief concepts, is to only go at it from the logical, the rational, and the uncertain, approach. This is the agnostic view of "I don't know for sure" and this is my position.
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