Friday, May 10, 2019

Life and Love

 Image result for the energy of an atom

In this world of impermanence, I ask what is real? We know from modern physics that all physical form is made of energy at the subatomic level.  Atoms are made up of smaller particle waves of energy and this can be broken down even further into pure energy. So, in essence all is energy. This is a fact of science. All that seems solid in our world is really energy. What is energy? It is the power of life.

What is love? The power of creation. The dance of life. It is the giving and receiving.  Cooperation between opposites, is love in action. It is Yin and Yang. It is the masculine and the feminine acting as one, through the energy of love. Where there is a lack of love there will be fear and separation. Love creates harmony and balance . Fear results in disharmony and dis-ease. In nature death and decomposition is the transformation of life energy from one form to another. Conception and birth is the unseen or unmanifested  creative life energy manifesting into another form. Life energy is never lost, it is transformed into another state, or another form.  Nature strives for balance, health and homeostasis, it works through cooperation, rather then competition with other forces, toward an overall oneness. Love can be seen as the power behind this cooperation in oneness and this is the nature of all that is. Or, to word it differently; Love is the energy of life in all of nature working in cooperation as oneness.

To know love we need only look at a mother caring for and nurturing her young offspring. She cares more about the well being of this newborn then all else. Her life is given in sacrifice for the other. We see in the mother the same power in all of creation. Life is love in action and love can be seen everywhere we have eyes to see. Its in every moment, in every form of life that blooms and sprouts forth into being.

In the photo below the life in the worm is transformed into the forming of a new robin. The male and the female work together as one to bring new life into being.

Image result for male and female robin feeding young

Perhaps all the dysfunction in humanity that we see around us is a result of a low love-life energy. This lack of love energy causes an environment of competition and separation along with fear and disease.

Life is love in action!

To know God is to realize this life as love in action. 

God is the power of life and love .

To worship life and love,
   is to worship


  1. How timely that you posted this just before Mother's Day in the US. (Same in Canada?) Life is love in action. Creation manifesting in form out of undifferentiated infinite potential. Beautiful post.

  2. Thanks for commenting, Galen. I had written some of this in a mothers day card, sent to my dear mother a week earlier. I just expanded some of these ideas in this post, the night before mothers day. I write this stuff and I am sure you find too, it just flows from a deeper place of being. I blog to get some of these feelings and ideas out. Its a process for me that is very close to journaling. The musing is a type of inner releasing.
