Thursday, December 16, 2021

A Parable







One day,in a far away land, a young woman developed a sore on her right hand. Soon, others in her village had sores on their right hand, too . It was very strange because it appeared only on the right hand, and it seemed like it would never ever heal on its own, like every other cut and bruise and sore they had before, through natural healing.Where did these sores come from? It was not normal. They were told there was no cure.  Long before these sores appeared on the villagers hands a very clever man in town, who made specialized medical gloves and devices for a living, had invented and developed a new hand that he said was better then the human hand. But, nobody would volunteer to have their old hand removed and the new one installed.  How would he convince them to buy into his invention, they knew the hand that they were born with was working find, and it was so well designed, why would they need a new one? He needed a new plan something to convince the masses. When the sores appeared on the hands of the villagers, the man , an engineer, did not want the crisis to go to waste, this was his opportunity to convince them to take his solution. 

It was the old create or take advantage of a problem, observe the reaction, and provide the solution, trick. Fear was a great motivator, it stopped the people from thinking clearly and many wanted his new hand. It all worked as deigned, the new installed hand had no sores and it was working great. It was a great success. Soon others wanted a new hand  because they were very fearful of these sores, and it was an unknown disease. News spread far and wide, across the land, about these sores appearing on peoples right hand and the people became very fearful. They were relieved to hear that a new hand was available but it would take some time, and lots of money  to develope them all . Soon, the rulers all over the land felt that they should cover the great cost to replace as many hands as possible and they issued a mandate that all rich and poor, small and great, will have to get this new hand, to stop the spread of these sores before it created other health issues. It was all for their safety and the common good. When the new hands were available, the people wanted them because the sores were starting to appear on hands all over the world and they were fearful they might get the sores. So, most of the people got a new right hand and it looked like the problem of the sores was going away. 

The new hand was needed to enter public spaces and workplaces and it had a personal number embedded in it, as a mark that could be checked at the door. The ones who didn't get the new hand, the unmarked, were shunned, fired from their jobs, separated from the others and left alone. They were looked down on,  as being diseased and despised even though they rarely got any sores and those who did seemed to recover very quickly, with natural remedies, that were suppressed by the overlords and hidden, but, were available for the resourceful.  The ones with only the human hand, who declined the mechanical hand ,were not allowed to  travel or buy and sell in the marketplace. They could not enter a food court and sit down to eat, they could not go to any indoor public gatherings. They were shunned and separated from family and friends because everyone believed that unless all had a new hand their hand would not work properly either. 

However, something strange began to happen, over time, the new hands were developing severe problems, they just did not work like the old human hand and the people became angry, and frustrated at the ones who talked them into getting this new hand. They wanted their old hand back but it was too late. The engineers assured them, they had a solution for the problem, a fix that could be put into the hand and then it would be OK again . This encouraged them, and so they lined up to get their fix every month in order to function properly. 

The people became like slaves and they could not live without the fix. After awhile the new hands stopped working all together and the people were weary of the the fix's that never seemed to work. There were a shortage of workers everywhere because the injured ones could not work to their full potential anymore, and the noncompliant, the healthy,  had already been fired from their jobs. Later on, when the labor shortage crisis got much worst, the ones with two well functioning human hands, the medically intervention free, were employed once again, they were free again and  they were no longer despised or segregated,  they were needed, they were loved though out the world, they were once again participating fully in society and it was them that helped all the others do their daily tasks and help them survive. They were the ones who restored their society again. 

It turned out that the cure was worst then the problem. From that day forward the people never fell into this type of trap again. The human body is an amazing and very intelligent being, it knows how to grow and heal.The people learned to trust their own body to repair itself, and they learned to live healthy lifestyles, medical intervention became a last resort.

The moral of the story is never let the cure be worst then the problem; never shun others who want freedom of choice concerning health, even if they are a minority, they may be marching to a different drummer, but who knows what is right or wrong. Truth may not always be obvious at first, it often takes time to be revealed.  We know, too much  pride can lead to a great fall...(Prov 16:18)  and ignorance is not always bliss, it can lead to destruction.

This parable like all parables are not meant to be factually true, but, its meant to prove a point or teach a moral, a deeper truth.  It seems preposterous, right. We know that people would not fall for such a deception, and this silly medical intervention, off course this would never happen. Its just a stupid fairy tale.  However!!!!......, think about this...what if it was some medical intervention that was meant to replace, enhance or change the entire human immune system, affecting the whole human body.  Would the masses line up for their repeated updates and fixes ? Would they be duped like the people in the parable? Does it all make sense now? Something to ponder! 

 The human immune system | Revision 2.0


(below is a screen shot from today's Ontario fear mongering news)










1 comment:

  1. Hey Brian. Haven't communicated in a while. Hope your year is off to a good start.
