This statement below was done in an automatic style in a reply to an inspirational post a friend posted on FB in reference to the invisible hand that seems to be all around us , it implied it comes in mysterious ways , in different people . The painting image below was one I did in 2006 is the visible symbol, the spark of life being transferred from creator to man and from the master to the student, it fits the post somehow.
"#095-2006- After Michelangelo - 32" x 48"
Ha ! Yes ! "The invisible hand" ... all around us. Some call it angels .( Psalm 91) I believe there is a power that determines everything, and one could easily come to the conclusion that "I" or little "me" seems to have very little to do with the direction Life wants to take most of the time . Perhaps its the the " I " identity, we all carry since birth, that stands in Life/Spirits way, blocking the free flow of spirit and love which Life wants to bestow on us all. Sometimes I can visualize love and grace flowing like sunlight...its streaming all around us, and through us, all the time. This life energy was what the ancients called Aether, Chi or Spirit. We live in it like fish in the sea, but we don't have the inner eye to see. We live and move and have our being in this mystery. We attempt to define it and name it, but words cannot describe this Way leading us toward the infinite Light, Life, Love and Truth, which is in reality the very essence of being itself. Truly the realm of heaven is found within, as the sages all say.
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