Friday, May 31, 2019

Spiritual but not Religious

For many spiritual people in America, the Christian Church has lost its appeal. Americans have become disenchanted with the Church's unbelievable story and ugly history. They have been turned off by the Church's use of outdated and hard-to-understand language and music. And they have become contemptuous of Church leadership littered with the uninspired, overbearing, and weak. This has created an exodus from organized religion that, in turn, has created an enormous spiritual longing in America.
Spiritual But Not Religious takes a deep look at this ever-growing problem, which in the new century is strengthening its grip on younger America and posing a mortal threat to the Church--a threat the Church has been too afraid to look at. Challenging, fascinating, and oftentimes humorous, Spiritual But Not Religious closely examines the exodus from the Church, citing its causes and implications. It also offers a detailed plan for what the Church must do to not only regain its lost members, but to regain its lost spirit. Let there be no doubt, a revolution is needed! Spiritual But Not Religious is the call for that revolution.


The spiritual but not religious ( SBNR ) movement has gotten somewhat of a negative reputation, over the decades, especially from the biblical literalist christian community. For many of them, who have not done their research on truth, with an open mind and heart, it is just more of  that new agey mumbo jumbo teachings that is being spread by their perceived enemy, to deceive the masses. This SBNR movement has been growing since the 60's and some would agree, its always been there, but it was very often reserved, and suppressed,  for good reasons.  There may have been a generational carry over stigma against independent  thought on spiritual matters.There was no place in our society for the individualist spiritual freedom seeker. Being a non-conformist toward the family religion was not an option to take lightly.   It wasn't long ago that you would have been executed for holding a dessenters view with that of the orthodox institutional religion of the day. With the advent of religious freedom in recent time we are no longer burnt at the stake, by the 'thought police' , for having a different view, but, an hidden resentment still seems to linger among the 'Rightous'  (We have the only truth ) banner wavers, out there.

 I wrote the following to a family member recently, on this subject, and it sums up my thoughts on it.

I am one of those who fit in the 'spiritual but not religious camp'. I left the church and became obsessed with God. I can't fit God inside the narrow box of what religion portrays it to be. Most religious people believe in a separate God out there somewhere and they need a mediator of some kind to bridge the gap between them, the 'sinner', and the divine. I believe there is a place for religion for billions of people all over the world. They are devotes of worship to their conceptual idea of the divine through ritual and prayer. They are draw also to a sense of community that organized religion offers. Many misunderstand the spiritual seeker after God, who have cast themselves into a spiritual wasteland outside the walls of the institutional structure. To some the idea of leaving church to find spiritual truth is unthinkable. What they don't realize is that Jesus himself was also anti-religious. It was the religion of his day that had him killed. He spoke of the divinity within, outside the man made construct of religious forms. The spiritual but not religious are not backsliders, they are often forward runners in the ongoing quest for truth concerning God. 


This has been the path I have taken on the road toward spiritual realization. I worship Life and Love as I continue discovering truth with an open mind and heart.  Liberty of thought for all is a worthy goal for humanity as we continue to grow in a greater consciousness. Its only when we find out who the true self is that we will know what reality is.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Art Nature and Awe

I stood in front of the original  Salvador DalĂ­ Santiago El Grande, one day and I was spellbound with awe. It seemed to have a majesty and a life presence beaming from it.  It gave me goosebumbs like I have rarely felt when looking at a work of art. Its a 13.5 ft x 10 ft oil on canvas painted by the artist in 1957.

I had the same thing happen again today as I stood admiring a huge 200 year oak tree in a park near my home. I have admired this tree many times before on my daily walks, but with the leaves just bursting forth with new life on this mid May, spring day, I stood for awhile spellbound with its majesty and beauty and it gave me goosebumbs just like the Dali painting did. I could sense its life presence so powerful. It seemed so rooted in being. There seemed to be an energy of life emanating from it. Perhaps I was attuned at that moment, in my psyche, to realize it. It is spring and I love life at this time of year. There is the power of life bursting forth everywhere in my area of Canada right now. Spring has sprung.

This photo here, taken 24 hours later cannot  capture what I experienced the day before, its impossible for a photo image to capture the living thing in its majesty.

The tree below  is a stock photo of an oak..

Nature is art in its purist form. It is awesome and inspiring.  The word inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into. I felt something very powerful today, looking at this huge tree for that brief moment in time, and feeling the spirit coming from it. I felt infilled with spirit or in-spirited. In spirit is very close to the word inspired. Again,  I have to say, I guess the conditions were right and my awareness was in sync with nature. I felt in spirit with the world of nature around me.  Everything at its essence is spirit. We share the spirit of the cosmos. Everything at its core is one Spirit. We don't have a spirit, we are spirit manifesting in multiplicity,  everywhere throughout the seen and unseen universe. The essence of life in the oak tree is the same essence of life in all life forms including us. All life is the unseen Spirit manifested as form. When we see all of life as one spirit, we will also sense the oneness of all that is .

Friday, May 10, 2019

Life and Love

 Image result for the energy of an atom

In this world of impermanence, I ask what is real? We know from modern physics that all physical form is made of energy at the subatomic level.  Atoms are made up of smaller particle waves of energy and this can be broken down even further into pure energy. So, in essence all is energy. This is a fact of science. All that seems solid in our world is really energy. What is energy? It is the power of life.

What is love? The power of creation. The dance of life. It is the giving and receiving.  Cooperation between opposites, is love in action. It is Yin and Yang. It is the masculine and the feminine acting as one, through the energy of love. Where there is a lack of love there will be fear and separation. Love creates harmony and balance . Fear results in disharmony and dis-ease. In nature death and decomposition is the transformation of life energy from one form to another. Conception and birth is the unseen or unmanifested  creative life energy manifesting into another form. Life energy is never lost, it is transformed into another state, or another form.  Nature strives for balance, health and homeostasis, it works through cooperation, rather then competition with other forces, toward an overall oneness. Love can be seen as the power behind this cooperation in oneness and this is the nature of all that is. Or, to word it differently; Love is the energy of life in all of nature working in cooperation as oneness.

To know love we need only look at a mother caring for and nurturing her young offspring. She cares more about the well being of this newborn then all else. Her life is given in sacrifice for the other. We see in the mother the same power in all of creation. Life is love in action and love can be seen everywhere we have eyes to see. Its in every moment, in every form of life that blooms and sprouts forth into being.

In the photo below the life in the worm is transformed into the forming of a new robin. The male and the female work together as one to bring new life into being.

Image result for male and female robin feeding young

Perhaps all the dysfunction in humanity that we see around us is a result of a low love-life energy. This lack of love energy causes an environment of competition and separation along with fear and disease.

Life is love in action!

To know God is to realize this life as love in action. 

God is the power of life and love .

To worship life and love,
   is to worship