Monday, May 20, 2019

Art Nature and Awe

I stood in front of the original  Salvador DalĂ­ Santiago El Grande, one day and I was spellbound with awe. It seemed to have a majesty and a life presence beaming from it.  It gave me goosebumbs like I have rarely felt when looking at a work of art. Its a 13.5 ft x 10 ft oil on canvas painted by the artist in 1957.

I had the same thing happen again today as I stood admiring a huge 200 year oak tree in a park near my home. I have admired this tree many times before on my daily walks, but with the leaves just bursting forth with new life on this mid May, spring day, I stood for awhile spellbound with its majesty and beauty and it gave me goosebumbs just like the Dali painting did. I could sense its life presence so powerful. It seemed so rooted in being. There seemed to be an energy of life emanating from it. Perhaps I was attuned at that moment, in my psyche, to realize it. It is spring and I love life at this time of year. There is the power of life bursting forth everywhere in my area of Canada right now. Spring has sprung.

This photo here, taken 24 hours later cannot  capture what I experienced the day before, its impossible for a photo image to capture the living thing in its majesty.

The tree below  is a stock photo of an oak..

Nature is art in its purist form. It is awesome and inspiring.  The word inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into. I felt something very powerful today, looking at this huge tree for that brief moment in time, and feeling the spirit coming from it. I felt infilled with spirit or in-spirited. In spirit is very close to the word inspired. Again,  I have to say, I guess the conditions were right and my awareness was in sync with nature. I felt in spirit with the world of nature around me.  Everything at its essence is spirit. We share the spirit of the cosmos. Everything at its core is one Spirit. We don't have a spirit, we are spirit manifesting in multiplicity,  everywhere throughout the seen and unseen universe. The essence of life in the oak tree is the same essence of life in all life forms including us. All life is the unseen Spirit manifested as form. When we see all of life as one spirit, we will also sense the oneness of all that is .


  1. I love the trees in the forest around my cabin. There are two "special" trees that I am especially drawn to, and of those two, one is so powerful to me in such a loving way. Nature is where I feel "held" and guided. The creek speaks guidance to me, the trees breathe life and love into me, the earth feeds me (literally and energetically), the sky dissolves me.

  2. A very nice comment, Galen. To feel in spirit with nature, is a gift. To be able to sense the power, intelligence and beauty all around us is heaven on earth.
