Tuesday, January 8, 2019

It Just Is!

In less then one week I observed two different funeral visitations. This one was on the death of a relative. She was 87 years old. I was watching a video display of her life and the photos flashed from young, to midlife, to old age in a random flow. I said to my wife 'Its all so sad, we live, we get old, and we die. She was also looking at the screen but her reaction was different . My sweet wife with much wisdom said  'That's life, that is just the way it is ....it just is' and she repeated it twice as she looked at me  'it just is!'.  She is a person of few words  and I knew when she said those words, it was truth. It just is!

We come and we go, we appear like a mist, for brief moment in time, and in the next moment it disappears just like it came. Birth and death are natural rhythms of the one life. All are manifestations of form that come and return to the formless and come and return over and over again. Each moment in the eternal now we observe phenomena, it comes into existence and then it is gone. Life is  a beautiful dance. We have the great opportunity to observe, to experience the great unknown, the mystery of life.

What is life?

It just is ! Live now, that is all there is .. just this moment , just this ......

103-2008- In The Fog- 20"x 24"  acrylic on muslin over panel

This is my foggy mist  painting based on my interpretation of a cold October morning at the harbor of Pilley's Island , Newfoundland. A moment in time.We, like this fog, are like a mist that appears for awhile and then it is gone.

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