What is fear? Is it a creation of our thoughts ? Is fear an emotion we feel, caused by thinking, when we project our mind into the future or past? Is fear caused by, a fault in our dependence on our finite individual abilities, and a lack of trust in the life source itself.? Or is it "Fear" itself that we fear? How do we face fear? Can we stand our ground and stare it down? I experience fear as a feeling that comes over me, a dark force of some kind . I feel it in pray and meditation often. I just observe it with my inner eye and see it as separate from who I am. I stare it down in a meditative state . I don't judge it I just observe it . It loses its power on observation and it dissipates like a morning mist.
The mind loves to concentrate on a problem. The stock market crashed 12% . (Update on March 31 stock market crashed 35 % over the past 2 weeks) Fear over this virus has taken over, on a global scale. Everything is connected, with global markets, the internet, travel...what happens in China affects us here in North America.
When there is a threat like this, which involves all humans on earth, in 2020, it tends to create unity in our collective consciousness, and that's a positive effect. We may be connected mentally over the internet, but, in a pandemic crisis, the first response by authorities is physical separation of those with the virus. In quarantine we become forced into isolation. Nations restrict travel, towns and cities are in lock down. The global trade supply train slows down. Everything can grind to a halt, in a worst case scenario.
I guess its only human to feel fear. Even if you are not concerned for personal life, you have family and friends who may not be able to survive this, possible threat. So, from this perspective there is lots to be concerned about.
Regardless, of our concerns, life has its own intelligence. Humans have been moving too fast, for too long. Knowledge is growing faster then wisdom. Humans have been living in too much Yang and not enough Yin on a global scale. We have become absorbed in much doing, without a proper balance of introspect. A forced slow down may do us all good. When we slow ourselves down, and find balance, even in isolation caused by external forces, we may find an inner unexpected peace that passes understanding.
What is trust? It is the opposite of fear. I say to myself often, when confronted by the latest arrows of daily fear.thoughts..I live by grace, trusting in Life powers, which I do not understand. I don't have future, there is only now. These type of affirmations cause the fear thoughts to fade from our attention.
This life force which runs the 'Life' program seems to have an infinite intelligence, and endless capacity for love. (Love in this cosmic sense is the cooperation of polarized forces for the good of the One Life).
When we do not realize this life source, in the body and at the core of our being, we do so at our own peril, we live a life prone to dis-ease.What does it mean to trust Life? Grace is the spiritual freedom, we feel in our inner being when we realize that life is a gift. Life comes through grace, its unmerited, we do nothing to deserve it. We don't have a life, we are life. For a time in space, Life moves in an individualized unit, in a biological vehicle. When the earth biological unit eventually fails, its energy source, the Life force is released from the form. This life energy does not die, it is not a body, or a localized, separate, mind, it merely transforms into a new state which we cannot know. Can we trust something we do not understand? This is the choice; we can live in fear, depending on the power of the little 'me' and its ability to run its separate life program or we can trust the true Life source with its super life program? This is something completely outside of the understanding of our intellect. It comes down to Fear or Trust. The road less traveled is this complete Trust in an indefinable life force. Trust in this mystery of Life may not bring an absolute certainty to the analytical mind but neither does fear-based living, with its anxiety. Personally, I would rather live in trust then in fear.

Here is a link to another post on trust