To honor your mother and father with the promise that things will go well with you, all the days of your life, is a very ancient wisdom teaching. Deep down we know this to be true. Its very powerful and it points to a great responsibility, for the parent more then the children. Children need examples of that which is honorable. We all know cases where parents are not perceived as honorable by their children because of their family dysfunction. We tend to admire and respect what we define as good parenting; as that which produces children who function well in our society. Perhaps, parenting is the greatest of all responsibilities. We need to be that human ideal that our children will honor and strive toward. Its not what we say so much, but how we live our daily life that has the greatest impact. If we transmit wisdom, truth and love toward them all their lives, its very probable that our children will grow up to honor us with a deep love and respect.
Honor is earned by our responsibility in upholding the highest human ideal. When 'we look or wish upon a star' as portrayed in children's stories/myths/fables, we are in fact reaching toward the highest goal of life. What is the highest human ideal? In Christianity its the Christ within, the human psyche that is made in the image of God. 'Christ exemplifies the archetype of the Self ' according to Carl Jung. He also said ' Human consciousness has discovered the religion-creating archetype, of which the figure of Christ is just one expression, though the relevant one for our particular culture'. Buddha nature is another archetype or pattern of the human ideal in the eastern cultures . Krishna was also an archetype for the Hindu tribes a thousand years before the Jesus figure embodied this same spirit.
Its not what we preach to others that convinces them of the truth of our conviction. But, our outward radiance of being, in life and love, may earn their respect. Its not just our children who learn from our example, our whole community is watching. Responsibility gives us purpose and meaning, it moves us toward that which is honorable.
So, to give honor to someone seems like it should be based on merit. It has to be earned, and a goal to work toward. To honor one who is unhonorable is an example of an act of grace and perhaps that is what is needed in a family who have been cursed with dysfunction at its core, for years. To love the 'unlovable' can be one of the greatest human accomplishments and that is very honorable. In some eastern cultures their is the idea that we should honor the spirit of others, its often spoken with the word namaste meaning "I bow to the divine in you".
'Life is suffering' was the conclusion of many great thinkers, teachers and philosophers down through the ages . Suffering is the crucible, the furnace, where our lives become transformed. Through suffering we learn to understand and develop compassion and love toward others and ourselves.

Click the link below: This short video is very powerful.
suffering, responsibility and meaning -video
In the end its all about what brings the maximum meaning to life with the least amount of necessary suffering, needed for growth. It has been said that there are two ways to realize what is real and true; an awakening can only happen in great suffering or great love. When we surrender to what is, whether it be suffering or love our perspective on life changes. We are called to grow up, and move toward the ideal set before us, as much as possible, in this limited and finite form of existence.
To be honorable comes with a great responsibility and sacrifice, and honor is earned, it does not come without merit. If you want something in this life you got to work hard for it. Honor and responsibility seems to be what brings the greatest meaning to life . Happiness is fleeting but meaning can last a lifetime. If we seek that which has meaning in life perhaps happiness can become the unintended outcome. Happiness may not be a realistic goal, but, striving toward living a life which is honorable, by taking responsibility seriously, can bring great meaning to what would otherwise be a miserable existence.
He (she) who has a why to life can bare almost any how - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900)
Find meaning, let feelings of happiness and sadness come and go as it will. Honor that which is honorable. Find meaning in responsibility. Suffering is life's greatest teacher. Live life striving toward the greatest ideal. Be an honorable person who others can hold up as an example to follow. Teach the children what it means to be honorable and maybe, they will then honor their parents and strive to emulate them, so that things will go well for them all their lives.
May our children be blessed with wisdom, love and a open heart for truth. Many eyes are watching us. Its a great responsibility to be the greatest example and standard that they can live up to.
Be that living pointer, a light that shines on, the way, the truth, the life, and the ultimate ideal, the transcendent Self; so that they can search within themselves, and reach toward and wish upon a star, too. What greater meaning could there be in life than this?
Click here:
Stumble towards the Light video
'....before you learn
anything you have to admit that there
are things that are important that you don't know...' - J. Peterson
click here: The antidote
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