Friday, August 3, 2018

The fear of slience

An ad by SiriusXM radio states:

Without SirusXM  by your side, driving doesn't feel the same. The streets are quieter, communities are duller and road trips aren't fun. The good news is,  you don't have to drive in silence any longer. ......

I grew up in the era of rock and roll in the 60's,70's and 80's, music was a big part of my life. I couldn't live without some music on, especially when driving in a car. But, as I got older I learned to prefer the quiet more and more.

Now, I can drive for hours without music. Road trips are still very enjoyable and the communities I pass are not dull. I love to drive in silence. Am I abnormal? , maybe or maybe not. Our house has become very quiet since the children moved out. I rarely watch TV or listen to music. I am content with silence. In fact, when I go out in public almost every store, and eating establishment has music blasting. I find it all disquieting and it tends to produce anxiety in  my inner core of being. Why is it that the modern human being has become so afraid of silence?  Are we addicted to noise? ....

We know that the thinking mind does not want to be still. People are controlled by thought, they are lost in thinking about past and future . Most are dwelling on the problem of the day rather then enjoying the mystery of "Now". The voice in their head is constantly chattering on... one thought after another.  Music and all multimedia continuously feed us more and more information and stimulus. It adds fuel to our thoughts. Its no wonder that our society is so stressed out?

The idea of becoming still in order to  know the inner reality of who we really are is foreign to most people. Yet, all deep spiritual teaching point to the fact that in order to realize inner truth of our true nature, we need to be still. To "be still and know" is a repeated phrase in spirituality.

So, am I abnormal in loving silence?......maybe  or maybe not ...Regardless I am OK with being abnormal.

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