The past 20 months
has been very challenging for the whole world . Was there a virus, a
bio-weapon released on the world almost 2 years ago? Who knows in this era of post truth, when we are bombarded with lies and deception daily. The true virus I
believe, is what morphed out of the supposed original virus release, the most lethal force of all, the 'fear' virus, the unseen enemy. It infected all who listened to the daily main stream
propaganda machine .The
fear caused governments and individuals to act in irrational ways and issue mandates that are inhuman and unconstitutional, it is still
ongoing and who know how this will all end. I will not comment further
on this current evil that we have become subject to, because that is
not the point
of my entry here.I want to focus on where I found sanctuary, in this evil day, over this
period of time.
Some common definitions of sanctuary are : a place of refuge and protection , a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter, the protection that is provided by a safe place, a sacred place, a holy place....and the list goes on.
In Psalm 73 the psalmist observed the way his fellow man lived and it made him anxious and resentful. Everyone was living carefree in a way that seemed oppressive to him . He said in verse : 16 When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply17 till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny. (NIV)
I walk in a green space and bush behind my house, in a rural town, almost every day, weather permitting. This place has become my sanctuary. Its like a small microcosm of the greater southwestern Ontario. There are two ponds, with geese, ducks and swans and a wandering creek, grass land and lots of bush. I see so much wildlife daily....deer, muskrat, snapping turtle, turkey, garter snakes, rabbits ... It a place that puts my mind, body and spirit at ease as I walk the 1 hr trek. I walk slowly and stop often to admire the beauty all around. To observe well it's best to stop often along the way. Let the experience of it all, speak to you in the stillness.
I have been meditating on psalm 23 and psalm 91 for many months . These two psalms have become my portal of truth for much of the past year. Maybe I will attempt to express my thoughts on these psalms over the coming weeks .
Psalm 23 starts with the Lord is my shepherd , I shall not want. The word lord is a title. For the Christian it means the lord Jesus. For the Buddhist it is lord Buddha , then there is lord Krishna for the Hindu. But, the Lord mentioned here is the invisible presence that these rural shepherds of ancient times felt. Can we know this Lord whom they spoke of? What does it mean to be still and know God? (psalm 46:10). This presence is found within according to Jesus. He said the kingdom of heaven/God was found within. What did he mean? Who is this Lord? , this presence, this universal being and mind, that the ancients knew long before the man Jesus manifested in the flesh Christ incarnated. Christ, universal law and intelligence or simply master are other names we call this Lord. The way, the truth, the life are other words we use to try and define that which we can't define or express easily. We can sense this presence of God as an authority, a loving guide, who we can trust. The word Shepherd is a good analogy to reference the Lord. The shepherd did not control his flock forcefully, he gently guided and protected them, and led them into safe pasture . He is their overseer, their guardian. With this comforter present the psalmist said 'I shall not want' (The comforter is a name also given to the Holy Spirit in Christianity) To say 'I shall not want' is a bold statement in any sense. He does not want because the Lord is his Shepherd, and his needs are met. That first verse is so powerful , it speaks volumes-The Lord is my shepherd , I shall not want. It speaks of trusting, a relationship, a respect for authority, a reverence and a love.
This phrase 'the lord is my shepherd , I shall not want ' has become my daily mantra. When I feel any anxiety sweep over me, I repeat this and the anxiety drifts away. It works for me, other mantras work for others. A common Christian one is "Lord have mercy" which is another mantra I say often . This is where I have found sanctuary, I have learned to trust the great "One" the "Lord"who is greater then "I".